
Time to Explore

Today is the day. I’d like to say that it’s been the result of months of saving and anticipation as I waltz off on my Contiki European Whirl fully prepared for every eventuality but if you have been reading the story of my life over the last month, you’ll know that’s not exactly the case. It feels like far longer than three weeks ago that I decided to take on this adventure and while I’ve spent a lot of time bemoaning the things that have happened lately, those things have also lead me to do something I never dreamed I’d do alone.

My comfort zone lies strongly with my friends, most of whom I have known for years and that I’m really close to. The idea of leaving that safety net to travel with people I’ve ever met is a daunting prospect but also something that I need to do for myself. At the grand old age of 23 (far too old if you ask me), I’ve finally realised that I can’t rely on those around me to hold my hand while I move through life. Everything I want is there for the taking but it’s me that has to take those steps to achieve it; whether it’s taking the plunge and moving to a new area for an amazing job or just not being so afraid that it holds me back.

This got a little deeper than planned for a happy and light ‘bon voyage’ note, but I really wanted to make it known that I’m so nervous about doing this, among a lot of excitement of course. I’m looking forward to making new friends and experiencing new cultures along with them. Who knows, maybe I’ll be back, writing here in three weeks time as a changed woman. Or as me with a little extra confidence. Either way, who ever regrets travelling? As you read this, I could be looking out over the white cliffs of Dover from the ferry. Or travelling through beautiful Belgian countryside. Or looking over a canal in Amsterdam. The story is just beginning.

Want to follow my journey along the way? I’ll be on Instagram the whole time so follow me (lauragoisy) to see some beautiful places. Full stories will follow on the blog when I’m home in July and I already can’t wait to share my adventures with you.

Laura x

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  • Reply
    Rebecca Turner
    June 14, 2015 at 2:03 pm

    I would never have the confidence to do this! I hope that you have an amazing time! 🙂 xx

  • Reply
    June 14, 2015 at 10:59 pm

    Have an amazing time! xxx

  • Reply
    Emily Campbell
    June 17, 2015 at 3:03 pm

    Have a brilliant time! I would love to do something like that. I truly admire you for taking the plunge and I am so jealous of all of the amazing times you are going to have. Enjoy!!

    Emily x
    Wonders of a Fairytale

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