Europe/ Group Travel/ Switzerland/ Travel

Lucerne with Contiki

After six days in Italy, it was time to move on and discover a new country. We were headed to Switzerland and while I was unsure what to expect from the next couple of days, I was looking forward to relaxing in the countryside. After spending the first part of our journey watching The Lion King – Julia and I singing along the entire time – the scenery suddenly turned pretty spectacular.Switzerland lakeFor the next few hours, I couldn’t keep my eyes away from the window. I remember feeling so utterly overwhelmed at how beautiful the countryside was that I just couldn’t stop smiling and my eyes genuinely welled up at one point. In fact, I was kinda overemotional from this point out now that it was so close to the end of our trip!Switzerland Contiki coachSwitzerland coach viewWe stopped in the stunning town of Lucerne with Contiki Tony sending us off on a mission to find the Lion of Lucerne. Unfortunately, I got a little lost any only made it this far…Chapel Bridge LucerneLucerne Chapel BridgeGirls chapel bridgechapel bridge groupLucerne was a beautiful town and I took off for a quick wander down the lakeside before rejoining the group to get back on the coach. Our home for the following two nights was Lauterbrunnen, around an hour from Lucerne.Chapel Bridge Lucerne SwitzerlandFirst though, after some more incredible views from the coach, we stopped at the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.Lungern SwitzerlandLungern Lake SwitzerlandThere aren’t words to describe how breathtaking it was.Contiki Switzerland LungernCatching a glimpse of waterfalls flooding down the cliffs was a nice way to spend an afternoon.Mountain waterfall switzerlandArriving at our campsite to find that we had one of our own was awesome too! What a view to wake up to in the morning…camping jungfrau waterfallAfter a Swiss fondue for dinner, a couple of us took advantage of happy hour to get the evening started.camping jungfrau contikicontiki switzerland camping jungfraucamping jungfrau nightThe night was a relatively quiet one and, after rapidly sobering up, I was unable to cope with much more dancing. Instead I spent a couple of minutes before bed outside by the river, looking up to the stars and the waterfall in front of me. Wow.

Laura x

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Emyii Rankin
    July 29, 2015 at 12:09 am

    Wow very pretty place =]

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