
Tips for Going Back to Work After Travelling

It may sound dramatic but going back to work after travelling can be a huge lifestyle change that takes a while to get used to. Chances are that if you’ve been away for a long time, the idea of going back to work is pretty daunting. Despite blogging regularly and working on freelance projects during my time away, getting back into office life felt like a whole other ball game altogether and honestly, one that I was happy to push away for as long as possible. But with my first week done and dusted, I’m feeling good – if a little exhausted! I wanted to share some advice for how to ease the transition of going back to work after travelling.

back to work survival

1. Get organised

Even if super-prepared isn’t usually your style, being organised can really help your first few weeks go as smoothly as possible. I packed my lunches for the week on Sunday and this was a huge help in the mornings. When if you don’t have the time for a full batch of cooking, just grabbing a few tins of soup or ingredients to make wraps is a really simple way of ensuring you aren’t rummaging through your cupboards frantically looking for something edible!

I even find that laying out my clothes the night before is a surprisingly effective time saver. On your first payday, treating yourself to some workwear can help to reward you – I constantly have my eye on some beautiful Whistles pieces even if they are way out of my budget!

2. Settle into a routine

If you’ve been floating around aimlessly, flying off to new countries with just a few days notice, the idea of routine can be scary. Trust me, my brain hurt at the thought of going back to a 9-5. But in reality, it’s surprising how quickly we can settle back into a routine and even enjoy it! One thing I’ve been pushing myself to do is get to bed early: it’s much easier to get up when you aren’t running on just 6 hours sleep. And your brain will working hard so you’ll need all the energy you can get!

3. Stay active

This obviously depends on your job but working in a desk job, it’s so easy to barely move all day! If you’re used to pounding the city streets all day, this can be a shock to the system. I know that if I stay cooped up indoors all day, I start to feel a bit stifled and stressed. So whether it’s getting out for a walk on your lunch break or doing a short 20 minute workout after work, keeping your muscles working is so important!

Recently, my back has been a little sore from terrible posture when I’m sitting at my laptop so I’ve been trying to combat this with Desk Yogi! The team very kindly offered me free premium access for a month and the quick exercises that you can do at your desk are fantastic for making you feel more alert. If you want to give it a go, their basic membership is totally free – sign up here.

tips for going back to work after travelling

4. Read up on industry news

If you’ve been away from your field for a while, it might be a good idea to catch up on any latest developments. For example, in the world of SEO and social media, there are constant updates in best practise and algorithms. I’m lucky in that I’ve actually gone back to my old workplace – albeit in a more senior role. So while there’s still a ton of new things to learn, I already know the business and a lot of my colleagues which really helped to ease the transition.

5. Make plans – but not too many!

This is a massive assumption but I’m going to go ahead and say it anyway. If you’ve just been travelling the world, you’re probably a little short of cash. Maybe you’ve had to budget hard while job hunting – I know I have! And once you’ve started earning that all important dosh, being able to plan exciting things again is one of the best parts. Treat yourself on payday to a meal at that restaurant you’ve been dying to try or start updating your wardrobe. Mine is looking very tired after two years of saving up! But don’t push yourself too hard at first – chances are, you’ll just want to go home and veg in front of the TV after your first week or two. Or am I just super lazy? I’m not sure I want to know the answer…

Do you have any tips for adjusting to working life? Or did you find it super easy? Let me know!

Laura x

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